
Our vision is to be a world-class, customer-focused company that invests in, builds, maintains and renews the places where we live, work and play.

To achieve this vision, we have embarked on an ambitious plan to grow our market share in Iraq – Kurdistan and expand our range of services. In doing so, we will deliver enhanced returns for our shareholders and create value for society and the environment.

Creating this shared social and environmental value is vital. It will help to establish our reputation as leaders in our markets and enable us to effectively manage risks and identify opportunities. That, in turn, will contribute to our financial performance.

Part of this new strategy is to achieve growth in a safe and sustainable way. To support this Al Pasha has published a new strategy for sustainable business – Responsible business, positive outcomes – which sets a number of key performance indicators and targets for the Group.

In creating this document an extensive consultation exercise was undertaken with Al Pasha employees from across the business and Group services. We also engaged with a range of clients and shareholders. It is important to ensure that we are able to deliver against their expectations of us.

We are committed to improving our CR performance year-on-year and firmly believe that demonstrating good practice in all aspects of CR has a significant role to play in our ability to win new work.

Every year we will publicly report on progress and have our reports independently assured.

Great things happen across our business every day, whether that’s generating social impact, saving energy, reducing waste or finding innovative solutions to issues that our industry faces.